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Terms of use

Terms of use


Seller, Company, Vertera, VERTERA STOLITSA LLC is the VERTERA STOLITSA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (OGRN: 1217700475937, address: 9 floor 6, room V, office 613 2nd Brestskaya Str., Moscow 123056)

Order - a duly completed Buyer's request for the purchase and delivery of the Products selected on the Site.

Site or Online Store - an Internet site owned by Vertera, located on the Internet at, which presents the Goods offered by Vertera for purchase, as well as the terms of payment and delivery of the Goods to Buyers.

Independent Partner of Vertera Stolitsa is an individual who has reached the age of 18 and has full legal capacity, who has completed and signed an Application for the status of the Independent Partner of Vertera Stolitsa.

Buyer - a User who has placed an Order in the online store.

User - an individual, a visitor to the Site, accepting the terms of this Agreement and wishing to place Orders in the online store.

Visitor - a person who came to the Site without the purpose of placing an Order.

Product - gels, mixes, teas, cosmetics and other Vertera brand products presented for sale on the Site.


1.1. This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement or the Public Offer) governs the use of the Site by the Users, including by providing the Users with the opportunity to place Orders in order to purchase the Goods through the online store from the Seller.

1.2. Vertera guarantees the high quality of all products bearing the Vertera trademark.

1.3. By ordering the Goods through the online store, the User confirms that he has fully read and agrees with the terms of sale of the Goods set forth below in the Agreement (hereinafter - Terms of sale of goods). In case of disagreement with this Agreement, the User is obliged to immediately stop using the Site and leave the Site.

1.4. The terms of sale of goods, as well as information about the Goods presented on the Site, are a public offer in accordance with Art. 435 and clause 2 of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

1.5. In case of amending the Agreement, the Company posts the amended version of the Agreement on the Site. The User undertakes to independently check the current version of the Agreement on the Site, no earlier than once every 2 (Two) calendar days. Further use of the Site or the purchase of Products on the Site after updating and posting an updated version of the Agreement on the site is regarded as the User's consent to the changes made and acceptance of the updated version of the Agreement. By continuing to use the Site or purchase Products on the Site after the update date, the User agrees to the changes that have come into force.

1.6. The public offer is recognized as accepted by the Visitor / Buyer from the moment the Visitor registers on the Site, the Buyer places an Order on the Site.

1.7. The contract is considered concluded from the moment the Seller issues to the Buyer a cash or sales receipt or other document confirming payment. In this case, the term "Agreement" in this Agreement means the relationship between the User and the Seller arising from the sale and purchase of Goods using the Site, which are governed by the relevant provisions of the Agreement.

1.8. By informing the Seller of his data, the buyer agrees to the Privacy Policy, which can be found by following the link.

1.9. By placing an Order, the User / Buyer agrees that the Seller can entrust the execution of the Agreement to a third party, while remaining responsible for its execution.

1.10. All rights and obligations under the Agreement concluded with the User arise directly from the Seller.

1.11. A party to this Agreement can be a person who has reached the age of 18 and having full legal capacity and legal capacity.


2.1. The subject of this Agreement is to enable the User to purchase the Goods presented in the catalog of the online store.

2.2. This Agreement applies to all types of Products presented on the Site, as long as such offers with a description are present in the catalog of the online store. The Seller has the right to terminate the sale of any of the Products presented on the Site at any time.

2.3. Products are sold with the active participation of the Independent Partners of Vertera Stolitsa. Online purchases are made directly from Vertera Stolitsa LLC. In order to purchase Products, you do not have to become an Independent Partner of Vertera Stolitsa. However, if you are interested in becoming an Independent Partner of Vertera Stolitsa in the Russian Federation and receiving remunerations according to the Marketing Plan, you have to take the actions provided for by the relevant functionality of the Website and/or regulated by the documents posted on the Website. You must be at least 18 years of age to become an Independent Partner of Vertera Stolitsa.


3.1. Registration on the Site is carried out using the "Profile" tab and then "Registration".

3.2. Registration on the Site is mandatory for ordering.

3.3. Any individual who meets the requirements of clause 1.11. of this Agreement will be registered on the Site after Vertera accepts the application of such person and assigns him a Vertera identification number (hereinafter - “Vertera ID”).

3.4. Vertera is not responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the information provided by the User during registration.

3.5. The user undertakes not to disclose to third parties the login and password specified User at registration. If the User has any suspicions about the security of his login and password or the possibility of their unauthorized use by third parties, the User undertakes to immediately notify Vertera of this by sending an e-mail to

3.6. The user is fully responsible for any actions under his identification number.


4.1. The Seller ensures the availability in his warehouse of the Goods presented on the Site. The photographs accompanying the Product are simple illustrations to it and may differ from the actual appearance of the Product. Descriptions / characteristics accompanying the Product do not claim to be exhaustive and may contain typographical errors. To clarify information on the Goods, the Buyer must contact the Seller.

4.2. The User's order is an offer to conclude a sales contract. When the User submits the Order, Vertera will reply with an email to acknowledge receipt of the order and explain all relevant details (Order Confirmation). Confirmation of an order does not mean the conclusion of a Purchase Agreement. The moment of conclusion of the Sale and Purchase Agreement occurs only when the User has paid for the Goods.

4.3. The Buyer represents and warrants that it has the legal right to use any credit card or other means of payment used to complete any transaction.

4.4. Together with the ordered Goods, the Buyer will receive a consignment note, which will contain a list of the ordered Goods. Upon receipt of the ordered goods, the Buyer must sign the appropriate delivery note.

4.5. In the event that a Product is listed at the wrong price or with incorrect information due to a typo or error in the pricing information or product information, Vertera has the right to cancel any Orders for the Products listed at the wrong price. Vertera has the right to cancel any Orders, regardless of whether whether the Order has been confirmed and whether payment has been made. If the Buyer's payment card has already been charged for the purchase, and the Order has been canceled, Vertera undertakes to immediately make a refund.

4.6. Vertera endeavors to be accurate in all Product descriptions. However, it does not guarantee that any product description or other content on the Site is accurate, complete, reliable, current, or error-free.

4.7. In the absence of the Goods ordered by the Buyer in the Seller's warehouse, the latter has the right to exclude the specified Goods from the Order / cancel the Buyer's Order, notifying the Buyer about this by sending an appropriate e-mail to the address indicated by the Buyer during registration, by SMS, by the phone specified during registration (or by calling the operator call center).

4.8. In case of cancellation of a fully or partially prepaid Order, the cost of the canceled Goods is returned by the Seller to the Buyer in the manner in which the Goods were paid.

4.9. The Buyer is fully responsible for the provision of incorrect information, which entailed the impossibility of the Seller's proper performance of its obligations to the Buyer.


5.1. The methods, as well as the approximate delivery times of the Goods sold by Vertera, are indicated on the Site in the "Delivery" section by the link.

5.2. The delivery area of the Products presented on the Site and sold by Vertera is limited to the Russian Federation. The Buyer also agrees that the delivery area of the Goods sold by the Seller may be limited. Information about the territory of delivery of the Goods is presented on the corresponding pages on the Site.

5.3. Delays in delivery are possible due to unforeseen circumstances that occurred through no fault of the Seller.

5.4. Upon delivery, the Order is handed over to the Buyer or to a third party specified in the Order as the recipient (hereinafter the Buyer and the third party are referred to as the "Recipient").

5.5. In order to avoid cases of fraud in the delivery of a prepaid Order, a person, carrying out the delivery or delivery of the Order, has the right to request an identity document of the Recipient.

5.6. The risk of accidental damage or accidental damage to the Goods passes to the Buyer from the moment the Order is handed over to him and the Order Recipient affixes his signature in the documents confirming the delivery or delivery of the Order. In case of non-delivery of the Order, the Seller refunds to the Buyer the cost of the Order prepaid by the Buyer and delivery in full after receiving confirmation of the loss of the Order from the delivery service.

5.7. The cost of delivery for each Order is calculated individually, based on the weight of the Goods, the region and the method of delivery, as well as (if necessary) the form of payment, and is indicated on the Site at the last stage of ordering.

5.8. The Seller's obligation to transfer the goods to the Buyer is considered fulfilled at the time of delivery of the goods by the representative of the transport company or courier service in the case of paid delivery or at the time of receipt of the Goods by the Recipient at a pre-agreed point of issue of the Order (in the Official Representative Office, the Company's Service Center or DPD terminal).

5.9. Upon receipt of the Order, the Recipient is obliged to inspect the delivered Goods and open it in the presence of employees of the point of issue to check the Goods for compliance with the declared quantity, assortment and completeness of the Goods, and also check the integrity of the packaging. In the event of any claims to the delivered Goods (non-investment, attachment of Goods other than the one specified in the shipment list, manufacturing defects, other claims), at the direction of the Recipient, the employees of the point of issue draw up an act of identified inconsistencies. If the Recipient has not made claims in the above procedure, then the Seller is deemed to have fully and properly fulfilled his obligation to transfer the Goods.

5.10. In the event of the return of the Goods delivered in any other way due to the presence of claims to the Goods, the Recipient is obliged to attach the following documents to the shipment containing the returned Goods:

  • application for a refund;
  • a copy of the report on the identified inconsistencies;
  • confirmation of payment.

5.11. When accepting an Order from a transport company or a courier service, the Recipient is obliged to inspect the delivered Goods and check it for compliance with the declared quantity, assortment and completeness of the Goods, and also check the integrity of the packaging. If there are no claims to the delivered Goods, the Recipient signs in the "Order delivery form" or another similar document provided by the courier. The signature in the delivery documents indicates that no claims to the Goods have been made by the Recipient and the Seller has fully and properly fulfilled his obligation to transfer the Goods.

5.12. To clarify the date, time and, if necessary, the delivery route, contact the manager who contacts the Buyer to confirm the Order.

5.13. The User understands and agrees that: delivery is a separate service that is not an integral part of the Goods purchased by the Buyer, the performance of which ends at the time the Receiver receives the Goods. Claims to the quality of the purchased Goods arising after receipt and payment of the Goods are considered in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" and the Seller's warranty obligations. In this regard, the purchase of the Goods with delivery does not give the Buyer the right to demand the delivery of the purchased Goods for the purpose of warranty service or replacement, does not make it possible to carry out warranty service or replace the Goods by visiting the Buyer, except as expressly provided for in the Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", and does not imply the possibility of refunding the cost of delivery of the Goods of good quality in cases where the Buyer has the right to a refund for the Goods as such, in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights". Return and exchange of goods of inadequate quality is carried out in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the legislation of the Russian Federation.


6.1. Price of Goods sold on the Internet store, indicated in rubles of the Russian Federation and includes value added tax.

6.2. Vertera reserves the right to change prices at any time and at its sole discretion.

6.3. Prices include the cost of delivery to the Official Representative Office and / or Service Center of the Company. For more information on the terms of delivery to the DPD terminal and courier service to remote regions, see the Site in the "Delivery" section at the link.

6.4. Payment for the Goods can be made by bank transfer, using VISA, Mastercard and MIR payment cards or by any other payment method provided by Vertera. If the ordered Products are not available, but payment has been made, the specified payment will be returned to the account from which the payment was made.

6.5. Features of payment for the Goods using bank cards:

  • In accordance with the regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation "On the issue of bank cards and on transactions performed using payment cards" dated 24.12.2004 No. 266-P, transactions with bank cards are performed by the cardholder or an authorized person.
  • Bank card transactions are authorized by the bank. If the bank has reason to believe that the operation is fraudulent, then the bank has the right to refuse to carry out this operation. Fraudulent transactions with bank cards fall under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
  • In order to verify the identity of the owner and his eligibility to use the card, the Seller has the right to require the Buyer who issued such an order to present an identity document.

6.6. The security of the Buyer's card and data is very important to Vertera. All financial information related to the transaction is sent using an encrypted automatic protocol to which neither Vertera nor independent third parties have access. This information will only be used in the event of a return.

6.7. Software security is used to ensure data security SSL (Secure Socket Layer). With this system, the data, name, address and card number are encrypted and transmitted securely over the Internet. During transmission, no third party can read this data. For more information on personal data, please read the Privacy Policy.

6.8. Vertera has the right to provide discounts on Products and establish a loyalty program. The types of discounts, bonuses, the procedure and conditions for accrual are determined by the Seller independently and are indicated on the Site and can be changed by the Seller unilaterally.


7.1. The return of the Goods sold by Vertera is carried out in accordance with the "Return Conditions" indicated on the Site by the link.

7.2. Return of goods of proper quality:

7.2.1. The Buyer has the right to refuse the ordered Goods at any time before receiving it, and after receiving the Goods - within 7 days, excluding the day of purchase.

7.2.2. If the Buyer refuses the Goods in accordance with clause 7.2.1, the Seller returns to him the cost of the returned Goods, with the exception of the Seller's expenses related to the delivery of the Goods returned by the Buyer, within 10 days from the moment the Seller receives the relevant request from the Buyer. The date of submission of the request for the Buyer's refusal from the Goods is the date of the presentation of the goods (return) to the Seller with the corresponding application for the return.

7.2.3. The admissible grounds for refusing to return goods of good quality purchased remotely are:

  • violation of the 7-day return period, about which the consumer was warned in writing upon receipt of the goods;
  • non-compliance by the consumer with the requirements for the safety of the presentation, factory packaging and consumer properties of the Goods, as well as a document confirming the fact and conditions of the purchase of the goods;
  • the purchased product has individually defined properties and can be used exclusively the consumer purchasing it.

7.3. Return of goods of inadequate quality:

7.3.1. An inadequate product is a product that has: The integrity of the primary packaging has been compromised:

  • leaking bottles;
  • lack and damage of protection against the first opening. The labeling of primary and consumer packaging does not meet the requirements of regulatory documents:

  • lack of graphic design of the expiration date and batch number (production date, expiration date);
  • absence, damage of the printed information on the label. Re-grading is revealed. Any discrepancy between content and label has been identified. Revealed mass discrepancy:

  • product volume;
  • the number of capsules, tablets in the jar. There are clear signs of poor quality:

  • presence of mold;
  • exfoliation;
  • heterogeneous consistency. The presence of mechanical defects was revealed:

  • broken dispensers;
  • unscrewing mechanisms and other similar damage.

7.3.2. Products that meet the following requirements are accepted for return:

  • The product has expired - less than 50% at the time of return to the company.
  • The presentation of the product, consumer properties, seals, factory labels, tamper evident, etc.

7.3.3. The return of the Goods must be agreed without fail with the Official Representative or the Service Center of the Company.

7.3.4. The appearance and completeness of the Goods, as well as the completeness of the entire Order, must be checked by the Recipient at the time of delivery of the Goods.

7.3.5. Upon delivery of the Goods, the Buyer puts his signature on the delivery receipt in the column: "With my signature I confirm that at the time of placing an order on the site I have read and fully agree with the Terms of Return of Goods and the User Agreement", or in another similar document issued by the Seller, in a column providing for the Buyer's affixing a mark that he has no complaints about the completeness, quantity and quality of the Goods. After receiving the Order, claims for external defects of the goods, their quantity, completeness and presentation are not accepted.

7.3.6. If the Buyer was given the Goods of inadequate quality and this was not previously agreed by the Seller, the Buyer has the right to use the provisions of Art. 18 "Consumer rights upon detection of defects in the product" of the RF Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

7.3.7. Claims for the return of the money paid for the goods are subject to satisfaction within 10 days from the date of the corresponding claim in accordance with Art. 22 of the RF Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

7.3.8. Methods for the return of funds paid for the Goods of inadequate quality are determined by the Seller with the consent of the Buyer and are indicated in the return application.

7.3.9. Promotional products and gift items may not be available for replacement or refund and may, at Vertera's discretion, be exchanged exclusively for merchandise of equal value.


8.1. The Seller is not responsible for damage caused to the Buyer as a result of improper use of the Goods purchased in the online store.

8.2. The seller is not responsible for the content and operation of external sites.



9.1. All rules and conditions for the transfer, storage, protection and use of personal data are described in the Privacy Policy, which can be found at the link.


10.1. Unless a different period is specified in the description of the Goods, the offer to sell the goods by remote method is valid as long as the relevant Goods are presented in the online store and are available for Order.


11.1. The Website is owned and operated by Vertera Stolitsa LLC. The site, including, but not limited to, software, content, text, photographs, images, graphics, video, audio, hypermedia elements (hereinafter “Content”), are protected in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation. Visitors / Users / Buyers must comply with all additional copyright notices or restrictions contained on the Site or elsewhere.

11.2. The site may not be used, displayed, copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, reflected, modified or otherwise, or used in any way for personal purposes.

11.3. The Visitor / User / Buyer may not distribute, sell, translate, modify, reverse engineer, or reverse compile or decompile, disassemble or create derivative works from the Site or any content or components available on the Site.

11.4. The Visitor / User / Buyer has no right to commercially use the Site, any web pages of the Site, including redistribution or copying using special technical means, with the exception of the prior written permission of Vertera.

11.5. The Visitor / User / Buyer agrees not to interfere and not to take actions that lead to the interference or disruption of the Site or the servers or networks connected to the Site. The Visitor / User / Buyer agrees not to attempt to gain unauthorized access to other computer systems or networks connected to the Site.


12.1. All Content, Product names, trademarks, service marks and logos on the Site, unless otherwise stated, are wholly owned or provided for use based on Vertera's license agreements. Trademarks, service marks and logos owned by third parties remain the property of such third parties.


13.1. If the Visitor / User / Buyer sends any ideas, suggestions or reviews about the Products, Vertera has the right to use them free of charge, in any way that it deems appropriate, including posting on the Internet.


14.1. The Seller has the right to assign or in any other way transfer his rights and obligations arising from his relationship with the Buyer to third parties.

14.2. The online store and the services provided may be temporarily, partially or completely unavailable due to preventive or other work or for any other technical reasons. Werther's technical service has the right to periodically carry out the necessary preventive or other work with or without prior notice to the Buyers.

14.3. The provisions of Russian legislation apply to the relationship between the Visitor / User / Buyer and the Seller.

14.4. In the event of any questions and / or claims from the Visitor / User / Buyer, he must contact the Seller by phone or in any other accessible way. The parties will try to resolve all disputes that arise through negotiations, if an agreement is not reached, the dispute will be referred to a judicial authority in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

14.5. The recognition by the court of the invalidity of any provision of this Agreement does not entail the invalidity of the remaining provisions.


If you have any questions, you can contact us at the address and/or phone number below:

  • Vertera Stolitsa Limited Liability Company
  • 9 floor 6, room V, office 613 2nd Brestskaya Str., Moscow 123056
  • Phone: 7 (920) 191-61-87, 8 (800) 707-25-39
  • Email:


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